Radio Iglesia Mission Fund 2021 Annual Report (Including the outreach of Radio America and Iglesia Biblica Misionera in Paraguay)
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This report summarizes the extensive work being done through Radio America and seventeen stations that are rebroadcasting Radio America’s programming. The church missionary, Milciades Maiz, who is a member of Iglesia Biblica Misionera, is responsible for taking the Gospel to various areas in Paraguay, starting home churches, and training others to continue the work. The work of church members sharing the Gospel with friends and family is aided by the programming heard over Radio America, that serves to teach and guide both old and new believers in the faith. The purpose of the Radio Iglesia Mission Fund is to receive donations that financially support the staff and operational expenses at Radio America.
I. Regarding the work at Radio America:
The program JOYAS PARA NIÑOS (JEWELS FOR CHILDREN), is aired three times per week. The program includes music and Bible stories, as well as the participation of children via WhatsApp (both audio and video). The children are encouraged to share the Bible verses they have memorized as well as a music piece they have learned to sing or play. This is shared with the listening audience.
The children participating not only are from Paraguay, but also from other countries, such as Argentina (primarily), Costa Rica and the United States, and they receive a t-shirt imprinted with the logo of the program and a Bible verse.
We should also mention that many listeners from the interior of the country who listen to Radio America via our App participate in this program.
Of all the programs on Radio America, RESPUESTA BIBLICA (ANSWERS FROM THE BIBLE) is the program with the largest listening audience. This program addresses not only difficult Bible passages, but also those related to practical Christian living. We offer the listener guidance, based on Scripture, on how to face various challenges in the Christian life.
Radio Stations that Rebroadcast Radio America’s Programming in Paraguay
The church missionary, Milciades Maiz, is responsible for locating radio stations in the interior of the country that can serve as “repeater” stations for Radio America. These are secular radio stations that are paid monthly to daily transmit a few hours of Radio America’s programming. Currently there are twelve stations across Paraguay airing Radio America’s programming. (Please see the attached map showing the location of these radio stations.)
Mr. Mago Diaz, a member of Iglesia Biblica Misionera, who greatly supports the missionary work, has financed the installation of an antenna in the Chaco area that will allow Radio America’s programs to be heard in that area.
Radio Stations that Rebroadcast Radio America’s Programming Outside of Paraguay
There are a total of four stations that air Radio America’s programming, three of which are in the Province of Misiones in Argentina, and the fourth is in Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost part of the country. Additionally, there are two internet radios that rebroadcast Radio America, and they are in Salta, Argentina (FM Bíblica) and in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Radio Bíblica).
II. Regarding the work of Iglesia Bíblica Misionsera
Following the Covid restrictions, in October we were able to resume our Sunday school Program for the 40 children that attend weekly. Previous to the Covid lock down, we were able to have children’s ministry on Sunday afternoons in outlying neighborhoods, but the restrictions haven’t yet been lifted to resume this activity.
Outreach Work in the Interior of the Country
Below is a list of cities and towns in Paraguay where groups are meeting and being led by lay people who have been trained by Mr. Milciades Maiz. All of these groups began as a result of this missionary sent out by Iglesia Biblica Misionera. Nearly 20 trips have been made this year to various areas in Paraguay to share the Good News.
- Ciudad del Este: The church has 68 members and they are involved in the work of evangelism and discipleship. There is a “repeater” station in this city.
- Saltos de Guairá: There are six families that meet together—at total of 35 people. Mr. Milciades visits them every two weeks.
- Karapa’i: Approximately six families meet together in a home. Beginning in January 2022 construction will begin on a church building on land that was donated. Mr. Milciades visits this group every two months.
- Calle’i: Although the work in this city isn’t being led by anyone from Iglesia Biblica Misionera, Mr. Javier Oviedo, who is in charge of the group here, has asked that youth from IBM help with the children’s ministry where 35 children attend regularly.
- Coronel Oviedo: Every two months Mr. Milciades Maiz visits the group here. There are 45 people who attend the Sunday service, and the person in charge is Mr. Jorge Silva.
- Caaguazú: Mr. Derlis Vergara and Mr. Eduardo Hartmann evangelize and disciple the new believers in this city. There are 15 people who now meet in the home of Mr. Vergara.
- Yatity del Guairá: The person in charge of evangelism and discipleship in this city is Mr. Cornelio Bogado. There is currently a church building under construction in this place. In addition to leading the evangelistic and discipleship efforts, Mr. Cornelio also leads the children’s program in an indigenous community, Paso Jobai, Colonia Naranjito.
- Concepción: There are four families, a total of 15 people, who are learning more about God’s Word in this city. This is a matter of prayer because this are if very resistant to the Gospel message. The person in charge of this outreach is Mr. Orlando Villar and the group meets in the home of Mr. Maciel.
- Our missionary, Milciades Maiz, assists the work of a group of believers in Colonia Yaguaret Forest, Departamento de San Pedro. This group operates a radio station where they air most of Radio America’s daily programming.
- Villa Olivia y Pilar: In this town, evangelism and discipleship is taking place every two weeks under the leadership of Mr. Eliodoro Medina, along with Alcides Vergara and his family and other believers.
- Mr. and Mrs. Aníbal Veron and Dominga moved to Villa Florida, and soon thereafter began evangelistic efforts, and are now discipling two families in this city. Please pray that the Lord will continue helping them so this group will experience growth.
- Limpio: A Sunday church service is held in the afternoon, along with a children’s program with a total of 50 people attending (30 adults and 20 children). Each Thursday a discipleship meeting is held for the entire church, led by Mr. Elenio Franco and Pastor Oscar Reinhardt (who is the pastor of Iglesia Biblica Misionera).
- Mr. Juan Luis Henry along with other believers, do the work of evangelism and discipleship in the town of Arroyos y Esteros where they meet with two families.
In addition to visiting numerous cities and towns in Paraguay to personally conduct evangelism outreach and discipleship meetings, Mr. Miliciades, along with Mr. Iván Pereira and Pastor Oscar Reinhardt, are responsible for discipling and training new believers in the Republic of Congo and Columbia via regular online meetings.
These new believers in the Congo are now participating in street evangelism, handing out tracts in their communities.
- For our missionary and other workers who travel to preach God’s Word and share the plan of salvation. For the 300,000 tracts that have been distributed up to now, that they would be read and lead many to their salvation.
- For the spiritual growth of so many new believers who are being discipled not only in Paraguay, but also in the Republic of Congo, Columbia, Argentina and other countries.
- For the new discipleship manual that is being prepared by Mr. Milciades. That we would soon be able to have it printed.
- That the Lord would continue providing for all the needs related to operating the radio as well as the church. We need to update some of the equipment at the radio station.
- Please pray for the staff at the Radio Station:
Leonardo Ortiz—the overall Operations Manager and Engineer responsible for maintaining and repairing the equipment at the station.
Sixto Gonzalez—the Webmaster and person responsible for Radio America’s internet presence at
Vidal Gonzalez—Program Administrator who prepares all the programs that are aired daily.
María Cabanas—Broadcaster and program producer.
Rosanna Holowaty—Broadcaster and Director.
Mariela Cabanas—Receptionist and Broadcaster (helps with the reading the news).
Patricia Quintana—Receptionist and in charge of housekeeping at the station.
Milciades Maiz—Missionary and assistant producer for the program “Respuesta Biblica”.
Lastly, we also want to ask prayer for Gladys González, our cook and our security guards: Isidro Sánchez, Angel Paredes and Mr. Aguilar.
- Mrs. Tania Calonga: She used to practice Zen Buddhism. One night while moving the dial on her radio, she came across Radio America. She became very intrigued listening to the teaching and began listening to the radio every night. As time went on, she began to feel uncomfortable about practicing her religion, to the point that she had several arguments with some family members who, to this day, are still practicing Buddhists. Once Tania understood her need for salvation, she received Jesus Christ as her Savior and left behind the Buddhist religion. She has since been baptized, is a member of Iglesia Biblica Misionera and a faithful financial supporter of Radio America’s ministry. Please pray for her family’s salvation.
- Mr. Jorge Silva: Mr. Silva used to listen to our missionary, Milciades, on Radio America 95.3 FM in Coronel Oviedo. During his programs, Milciades would encourage people over and over to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. One day Mr. Silva asked if he could speak with Milciades to discuss Bible doctrine, since he was a very committed Catholic. Mr. Milciades agreed to visit him at his home, and that is when Mr. Silva understood God’s wonderful plant of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, Mr. Jorge Silva is the lay leader in charge of the outreach work in Coronel Oviedo. He and his family all work for Iglesia Biblica Misionera in that place.
- Another wonderful testimony is that of a young lady who sent Milciades a text. Her name is Adriana Maidana, from the city of Natalicio Talavera. This is what she wrote: “Good afternoon brother Milciades. I am writing to you from Natalicio Talaver. Some time ago you came to my hometown and visited my school where I heard you talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been one year since I received the Lord Jesus as my Savour. I greatly admire how you share the Good News with people. You are a true servant of God. May God continue to bless you.” Please pray for Adriana and and her mother who both listen to the the programs on Radio Clasica 92.7 FM.
- Below is a link from Mr. Jean-Mari Buchana from the Democratic Republic of Congo, sharing his testimony.
- “Sowing the Seeds of the Word of God.” Mr. Magno Diaz, a long-time member of Iglesia Biblica Misionera, and business owner, is passionate about sharing the Gospel and invests his time and financial resources to distribute tracts, along with a small team of fellow Christians. Recently they have been distributing small bags of beans among indigenous communities in the Chaco region in Paraguay. At the same time, they include Gospel tracts with the bags of beans.
- A member of the Iglesia Biblica Misionera church, Mrs. Agueda, had a banner made that tells people how to find Radio America and includes a Bible verse. It is her way of evangelizing and perhaps other believers will also want to do the same to let others know of Radio America.
- Radio stations in Paraguay that rebroadcast Radio America’s programming.
- Radio stations in Argentina that rebroadcast Radio America’s programming.
- Online radios in Paraguay that rebroadcast Radio America’s programming.

Although there are many stories to share of how God is changing lives through the ministry of Radio America, and “boots on the ground” efforts of taking the Gospel into the communities, and sharing with people on busses, on the street and door to door, there is still much to do.
We would like to continue the work and be a part of bringing the Good News to many more who are still living in spiritual darkness. Please pray for those who are faithfully carrying out this wonderful work.
Here is a list of those who are involved in these evangelistic efforts and would be appreciative of your prayers:
Pastor Oscar Reinhardt and his family, Mr. Milciades Maiz, Nestor and Lucila Toledo and family, Dario Gonzales and family, Derlis Vergara, Elena Franco, Adrian Caceres, Anibal Veron, Mr. Espinola, Eliodoro Medina, Juan Luis Henry, Lidio Pérez and family, Angel Prieto, Juan Vera, Carlos Mendieta, Oscar Ortiz, Osvaldo and Alcides Vergara and family, Elpidio Rojas, Magno Díaz, Pastor Aquino, his wife Josefina and niece, Lorena Rojas, Américo Benítez; Néstor Cubas; Jorge Beloto; Mr. Ramón Velázquez; Mr. Isidro; Marina González and Milena; Mr. Cornelio; Mr. Edgar Okamoto; Matías Mena, Abraham Wazwaz. Mrs. Zunilda and her sons: Edilson y Emanuel; Mrs. Águeda; Fabio and Kity de Romero; Mr. Francisco his wife Irma; Mr. Cristian Almada and his wife, Luis Quiñonez.
Iglesia Biblica Misionera Missionary Outreach Locations

Radio Stations rebroadcasting Radio América